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Yes, you can!

Simply go back into the MCAT Registration System to view current seat availability. You won't lose your current seat until you submit payment for a new seat. Please keep in mind fees will apply if you choose to reschedule.

For more information about changing your exam test center or exam date, please see the MCAT Essentials.

You can make changes to your exam up to 10 days before your exam date; however, there are rescheduling and cancellation fees. We strongly encourage you to make changes to your exam as early as possible. Please see the deadlines and fees schedule on our website for more information. You can submit an Emergency Refund Request through the MCAT Registration System if you are unexpectedly unable to attend less than 10 days before your exam. Rescheduling is no longer an option less than 10 days before your exam.

Yes! If your preferred MCAT test date or location is listed as "Not Available" in the MCAT Registration System, you can sign up to be notified by email should that test date and location become available at a later date. Learn more about the MCAT Appointment Notification Request tool

It usually takes about 24 hours for the registration system to update your account showing you took or missed an exam. After that you can register for any available appointment. Remember you can only register for one exam at a time. 

No. You can reschedule out of your exam and into any new date as long as your exam is not past the 10-day deadline.

Advance scheduling will be available for the following examinees before February 27. 

  • Examinees with approved accommodations: Eligible examinees will receive an email from Pearson VUE the first week of February with instructions on how to begin submitting scheduling requests. 

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